Modern C++ (C++11 and later) can greatly simplify generic templated C++ code. I’ve recently been playing around with modernizing the Boost Graph Library code. The experience is similar to how I modernized the libsigc++ code, though I have not gone nearly into that much depth yet. The BGL is currently a big messy jumble of code that isn’t getting much love, and modernizing it could start to let its accumulated wisdom shine through, while also freeing it of other boost dependencies.
Please note that this is just an experiment in my own fork that even I am not pursuing particularly seriously. These changes are not likely to ever be accepted into the BGL because it would mean requiring modern C++ compilers. Personally, I think that’s the only way to move forward. I also think that Boost’s monolithic release process, and lack of a real versioning strategy, holds its libraries back from evolving. At the least, I think only a small set of generally-useful libraries should be released together, and I think that set should drop anything that’s now been moved into the standard library. BGL seems to have been stagnant for the last decade, so there doesn’t seem to be much to lose.
I’ve modernized the example code (and also tried to remove the “using namespace boost” lines), and done some work to modernize the boost graph code itself.
At the least, liberal use of auto can let you delete lots of ugly type declarations that really exist just to make things compile rather than to provide useful clues to the reader. For instance, auto makes the example code less cluttered with magic incantations. Range-based for loops simplify more code – for instance, in the examples.The simpler code is then easier to understand, letting you see the useful work underneath the boiler plate.
I’ve jumped right into C++17 and used structured bindings (and in the examples) because they are particularly helpful with the BGL API, which has many methods that return the begin and end of a range inside a std::pair. This lets us avoid some more type declarations. However, in the examples, I used a make_range_pair() utility function in many places instead, so I could use a simple range-based for. I guess that the range library would provide a type to use instead, maybe as part of the standard library one day.
I also replaced most uses of the boost type traits (some from boost::mpl) with the std:: equivalents. For instance, std::is_same instead of boost::is_same. It should now be possible to remove the boost::mpl dependency completely with a little work.
I’ve also tried putting all of BGL in the boost::graph namespace, instead of just in the boost namespace, but the API currently expects application code to use “using namespace boost”, to make its generic API work, and this makes that even more obvious.
As a next step, I guess that the boost graph implementation code could be simplified much more by use of decltype(auto). As I was modernizing libsigc++, I sometimes found templates that were used only by specializations that were used only by typedefs that were no longer needed, because they could be replaced by decltype(auto) return types. You have to pull at the threads one by one.
Your post caught my eye as we use BGL in Mudlet ( and we modernised with auto and range based for recently. I think this screenshot speaks for itself on how good it is:
I haven’t found use for C++14-based improvements yet, though.
I really like the fact that BGL was written by people smarter than me. But I equally really hate the fact that BGL was written *for* people smarter than me. Nice to see some improvements being done. :)
A modernized version that drops support for old compilers and cleans everything up to be a lot more readable would be fantastic. In the astar-cities example it certainly looks… erm … relatively readable thanks to stuff like auto keyword. Certainly better than without. But throwing an exception when you find a path seems a bit odd. Shouldn’t finding a path be considered an unexceptional result for path finding? It still seems a bit contrary to general modern best practices.