I released version 3.2.0 of the Programming with gtkmm book, with many corrections and updates from Kjell Ahlstedt and a small chapter about keyboard events from Pedro Ferreira.
As usual, it is available on the Kindle too.
I released version 3.2.0 of the Programming with gtkmm book, with many corrections and updates from Kjell Ahlstedt and a small chapter about keyboard events from Pedro Ferreira.
As usual, it is available on the Kindle too.
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Hi! Could you write some info and provide examples how to implement plugins in gtkmm?
Anyway thanks for {gtk,glib,etc}mm.
dev, libpeas might help, but I don’t think there is a C++ wrapper for it, and I don’t know how well that would work:
Hi Murray !
I’m trying to find the book of gtkmm 3, but i can’t find it. The amazon link goes to a dead end and all the ones i can find are version 2.
I’m struggling with the guide in gnome developers, but I’ve hope the book would be different !
Any help ?
Yes, Amazon removed it because they don’t want to allow content that is available freely elsewhere, plus some confused legal stuff about me not being able to say that I own copyright on it all, which of course I don’t because it’s open source with multiple contributors.
Hopefully I’ll find time to put it somewhere else and find a way to get it onto people’s Kindles without the Amazon web store.
In the meantime, it’s here as HTML: