glibmm 2.28 with Gio::Settings and Gio::DBus

We finally released glibmm 2.28.0. This is the first stable release with new API since glibmm 2.24.0 in March 2010. We skipped glibmm 2.26.0 because there was so much new and awkward API that needed to be wrapped properly for C++. It’s scary to declare so much new API stable, but we had to do it eventually.

Glib has the following new API, though this list is not complete:

  • Variant: A new hierarchy of templated Variant<> types, for use with Gio::Settings and Gio::DBus.
  • Regex uses a new MatchInfo class.
  • build_filename() now has overloads to take up to 9 arguments,
  • get_system_data_dirs() and get_system_config_dirs().

Gio has the following new API, though this list is not complete:

  • Settings: For application settings, replacing GConf (or Gnome::Conf).
  • DBus: API to use or implement D-Bus services.
  • Proxy, ProxyAddress and ProxyResolver.
  • SocketControlMessage, UnixCredentialsMessage and UnixFDMessage.

See also this list of new API in glibmm 2.28.

Gio::DBus, Glib::Variant and Gio::Settings were a huge amount of difficult work mostly by José Alburquerque, with help from Jonathon Jongsmam, Yannick Guesnet, Michael Edwards, Martin Braure de Calignon, Murray Cumming and others. Some of José Alburquerque’s work, and most of Murray Cumming’s was funded by Openismus GmbH.
Thank you, everyone.