gtkmm 2.91.0

On Sunday I released gtkmm 2.91.0, following the recent GTK+ 2.91.0 release. This follows the removal of GtkObject, GdkPixmap, and GdkBitmap from GTK+. You’ll need to make some small, slightly-annoying, but generally good changes. For instance, the change from on_expose_event to on_draw() is awkward but obviously a far nicer way to do custom widget drawing, as if someone had actually thought about that API. Thanks Benjamin Otte.

Surprisingly, gtkmm applications, such as Glom, seem to work OK after porting.

Note that, despite the .0 version number, these aren’t the first unstable GTK+ and gtkmm 3 releases. The previous ones were called 2.90.x, but that looked too much like a stable release.

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