
People generally don’t mention pregnancy during the first trimester, not knowing whether there will be second trimester, and this became a habit for us. But things are going well so I should mention this properly. My girlfriend, Sigi, is pregnant, in her ninth month, so some time in early January I’ll be a father. The due date is 12th January, but it’s statistically likely to happen a few days earlier.

I am incredibly ready for all the changes this will bring. It feels very right and I plan to be good at this. Just the thought makes me so happy.

I’m not going to disappear but don’t expect me to be normally responsive during January and February.

30 thoughts on “Changes

  1. Congratulations, in the words of Bob Geldof, “fatherhood is easy, it just takes endless ___ing love and patience”

  2. Congrats, but there’s something you have to know : if you think being unresponsive will only last jan/feb, you’re very mistaken!

  3. Congratulations. All the best to you and Sigi and yet-to-be-born baby. It will change your world and even nearly 9 years from now make you smile just by thinking of it.

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