I’ve updated the C++ gtkmm bindings for Maemo for the unstable Chinook/Sardine release, which will one day become the new stable Maemo release. That’s hildonmm (previously hildon-libsmm) and hildon-fmmm.
Some links:
- The hildonmm NEWS file and the hildon-fmmm NEWS file, listing API changes.
- The unstable Maemomm documentation.
If you are running Maemo Sardine then you can add the extras repository by adding these lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://repository.maemo.org/extras/ sardine free deb-src http://repository.maemo.org/extras/ sardine free
and then install them like so:
fakeroot apt-get install libhildonmm-dev libhildon-fmmm-dev
Packages are only available for the x86 target for now, but I’ll create ARM packages fairly soon.
Feedback is welcome. Add a comment here, please, because there doesn’t seem to be any bug-tracker for Maemo extras projects.
I didn’t understand a word of what you said… but I guess this means Nokia N800 owners (like me!) will soon get an OS update with newer Gnome APIs and that it should hopefully make porting apps easier since the OS won’t have outdated libs? is that it?.
BTW: I know it’s going to be a pain, but it wouldn’t hurt if you included descriptions after the first mention of the “code names”. Otherwise plain end users like me not familiar with all the codenames can’t understand fully what you’re saying without looking up those codeanames. :)