Back from a few days limping around NYC. I didn’t get to see everything that I wanted to on account of the ankle. But
the trip did at least reduce NYC to a real place instead of
something glimpsed through popular culture. Just previously,
I’d spent a few days in Strasbourg (very pretty) and Lyon
(very big), trying to speak some French. I’ll spend the
weekend in Britain, which no longer feels like going home.
Then I’ll be back to Munich to start my new contract, which
I’m looking forward
Gtk– 1.3 development is progressing gradually, thanks to
kenelson. Most importantly it is now aimed
only at unstable GTK+, leaving stable GTK+ to the current
stable Gtk–.
I’m chasing a couple of reported Gnome– bugs, which I
don’t think are actually bugs. Having a hard time getting
people to prove their assertions with compileable code. We
should be able to go stable when these are cleared up.
Went to the climbing wall today for the first time since
I broke my ankle, just to see whether it was possible. It
seems so as long as I don’t get ambitious